I try not to moan on my blog.....so here is a positive slant on "bloody westerly winds" which have been plaguing our surf this winter. If it wasn't for westerlies things might be very different. The German breakthrough in the First World War of developing mass quantities of Bromine, Chlorine and Mustard gas could have led to a hands down victory for the insatiable "hun" and yet despite the fear and success of these dastardly dangerous developments in chemical warfare their effectiveness was reduced massively by the "bloody westerly wind" which projected the wind away from the English lines and instead backtracked to the starting point in the German forward positions. So fellow cornish surfers, spare a thought for the westerly wind which has kept our beloved coastline free of German efficency, job opportunities and ruthlessly effective sportsmen!
Your local line up could have been like this if it wasn't for my mate the westerly
Apparently we shouldn't get too optimistic of ridding ourselves of this cross onshore, surf shattering phenomenon either. As long as England stays in the mid lattitudes and low pressure systems sit over the North Pole for winter we will continue to dream of shelter or winter escapes...............