Thursday, July 29, 2010

Save Doolin Point and Crab Island.

Due to chronic insomnia probably caused by neck muscles which haven't recovered from the Flowrider experience the other day, I have been trawling through the surf media in the wee hours.

 I've always meant to go surfing in Ireland, I mean its got world class waves, its right over the way and I love Guinness and pies. I haven't got there yet because after my disastrous and super expensive surf trip to the Outer Hebrides I vowed never to go north again and technically speaking, Ireland is further north...this opinion might need reviewing...but its done me pretty well so far.

 I digress, so I discovered yet another wave was under threat. This time the legendary "Doolin Point and the fearsome Crab Island"  from the EU and there demands for a deeper ferry terminal. The guys at Drift Magazine are all over this and promoting an online petition which Spinalsurfer has signed. Its an interesting article and an interesting debate, between preserving natures wonders and progressing. I think this one needs a rethink myself.

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